Coaching Guidelines

01/08/2019 15:48

Coaching Relationship Guidelines


Coaching is:

  • About creating behaviour changes that help enhance performance and learning
  • About moving people from awareness to responsibility to action
  • A solution-focused results oriented systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of performance, self-directed learning and personal growth of other individuals


Coaching is not:

  • Therapy, which goes into depth about various issues dealing with the past
  • Consulting, which results in giving the client the answers
  • Training, where the agenda is fixed by the trainer


Benefits of working with a coach:

  • Coaching is proven to work when two factors are present:
  • The client is willing to learn, grow and take action
  • There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be


Anything is possible with the coaching relationship. With a coach you can:


  • Take better smarter action because you set the goals you really want
  • 'Have a balanced life that works well because you designed it
  • Make better decisions for yourself because your focus is clear
  • Reach for more and not be consumed in the process
  • Increase your capacity to follow through with and complete tasks, projects and initiatives ensuring they are finished on schedule
  • Increase your organisational, administrative and leadership abilities
  • Have more sustainable energy – we will focus on things that give you energy and maximise their impact


How clients are coached

The coaching relationship is designed by both the coach and coachee and may be refined through ongoing two-way feedback.  Even though we are committed to the journey, you will ultimately be responsible for action taken or not taken, in your life throughout the process


What I expect of you and what I will give you

  • I expect your best – we can only work together if you are ready to do and be your best.  If you are not doing your best I will ask you to do so
  • I make specific requests – from time to time I will make a direct request, such as, “Will you accomplish ‘X’ by the end of the month?”
  • I will give straight advice – honesty is one of our values.  I am straight and expect the same of you
  • I will give homework – I usually ask you to determine 2 or 3 goals or actions to focus on between our training sessions.  If it is too much just say so.  If you want to be pushed harder, just ask
  • I am here for you - I want to hear it all.  If you have a personal problem, are upset with something (even me or the training) or are starting to realise something big and can’t wait to share a breakthrough, please call or e-mail me – anytime.


How to get the most from your coaching

I want you to benefit greatly from our coaching.  This guide briefly outlines some of the things you can do to maximise the value of your coaching experience.


  • Focus on what you really want. Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on true values
  • Get to know yourself anew.  Use this as an opportunity to  discover new things about yourself
  • Punctuality is a core value of mine and I expect my clients to honor that and consistently be on time
  • Double your level of willingness.  Part of working with me as a coach is that I will ask a lot of you.  Your contribution is to be willing.  Willing to be honest with yourself and me.  Willing to be open to challenge and change.  Willing to try again what you know in your heart is right.  Willing to be different
  • Come prepared to each training session.  We have a set amount of time together and you will want to invest in it by using the coaching preparation form – a written list of things you want to share and discuss
  • Do your homework.  This is not homework like in school.  These are task actions, results or changes that you recognise and share with me.






 This FREE self-study guide 
will help you make a decision about whether Life Coaching
is right for you, 
Contact Us to be sent a complimentary copy


Want to contact us?


NZ School of Coaching
PO Box 91
Whangarei 0545


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