Executive and Manager as Coach


Executive and Manager as Coach - Cert. EMAC

This programme is recommended for people in organisations who need to know how to use coaching as a tool to empower people.  


You will be learning best practice techniques and will, by the completion of the programme, be able to competently apply the coaching technique within your work setting. 


The programme is run on accelerated learning techniques, and applies extensive use of experiential learning.  The learning environment is self-directed, and allows for individual differences in learning styles.


Programmes are usually run on an organisational basis, or for individuals. At an organisational level, we prefer to run the programme with groups of four. 



Setting and getting excellence from staff and suppliers

Setting,  Managing and getting Accountability

Working with and managing conflict

Clarifying and working with values

Managing and motivating staff and suppliers

Implementing key competencies

Promoting innovation and results

Effective use of time – promotes just in time learning

Improving communication and team effectiveness

Developing and retaining valuable staff and leaders

Deepening commitment to personal, professional and business goals

Improve productivity and loyalty

Foster creative thinking

Develop future leaders


  • The “what” and “how” of coaching as applied by Managers and Executives in    the workplace

  • How to use the “QUEST” coaching model in situational settings in the workplace or organisation

  • Model used: Quest model of coaching for Executives and Managers

  • Successful Graduates receive a Certificate (Cert. EMAC). 


Note:  This programme qualifies the student to undertake workplace situational coaching of short duration (5 – 10 minutes) in one off situations, with issues “above the line” versus “Professional Coaching” which is undertaken over a longer period (3 – 6 months) which deals with issues “below the line”.  Professional Coaching requires at least 3 months of training.




Section 1

1.1 Introduction to Coaching


What is coaching and how it differs from counseling, therapy, training, mentoring etc

The development of a model for Managers and executives

Benefits of Coaching

Employee dissatisfaction


The What

The How

Top 10 myths about Managers as Coach

The history/present state/future of Coaching

Critical skills which are needed before coaching begins:

Time Management

Understanding yourself, what you want to do and what motivates you


The Core Competencies of a Coach

Applying and adopting the 67 competencies identified by the ICF:

Setting the Foundation

Co-creating the relationship

Communicating effectively

Facilitating learning and results



Above the line coaching

Below the line coaching


How to know when to refer someone to a Professional Coach or other professional



1.2 The Psychology of Coaching


Practice Models and methodologies:

Learning and Learning theories

The conscious/unconscious mind

Conditioning and experience

Dealing with the Past


Accelerated Learning

Perceptual styles



 1.3 Keys to successful change


The NZSC three keys to successful change

Cognitive behavioural theorists


The Strategic model of change

The five steps to success



1.4 Types of Coaching


Private practitioner versus in-house coach


Manager as Coach vs. Professional Coach


Workplace coaching


Leadership coaching


Methods of coaching:


Face-to-face coaching (in person)

Group coaching

Shadow coaching





Section 2

2.0 Coaching Model




Tool Development



2.1 The EMAC coaching model in process


The coaching conversation – the EMAC  model

Responding to common client/coaching situations

Conducting sessions

Accountability, environment, focus, pace

Correcting and leveraging slippage


Measuring the outcomes of coaching

Developing and selecting appropriate tools

Gaining client ownership and building trust

Managing the group coaching situation


Revisit of core competencies


This includes a 12 week coaching practical assignment



2.2 Coaching Tools


The use of assessment instruments

Development of assessment instruments


Common tools:

Power questions

How they integrate into the coaching model

The use of power questions and application in different settings


Goal setting

The purpose of goal setting in the coaching process        How to set goals with a client  - three

Goal setting tools










Duration and Delivery   


  • 15 Hours Coach Specific Training

  • As with all training with the NZSC, the EMAC Programme is experientially based, with a balance of:

  • Classroom work, practice and Coaching

  • Training can be conducted individually, face-to-face, or in small groups (up to four)

  • Training is carried out using SKype

  • Training is customised to meet the specific needs of each individual



     This is gained through attendance at all modules, completion of practice labs and participation in coaching sessions.  The Trainer must hear at least one coaching practical  and the student must gain at least 70% in their written examination.  A Certificate is presented upon successful completion 





The price for this programme is $1500 per person. For groups exceeding four people, this price is negotiable.




Please Contact us to let us know your interest.





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Whangarei 0545


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